Supporting women
to have confidence in their voices.

To embrace their unique perspective and ideas.

To unashamedly own and share their story.

Because your story matters.

Ways to connect with me …

Story Nights

Story Nights is an open-mic storytelling event where women share true stories of their lived experiences. To speak and be witnessed, to listen and be entertained, and feel a deeper connection to our lives and each other.

Read my book

Speaking From The Scar describes my journey of healing from childhood sexual abuse. It’s been a winding road that began with denial about the impacts of the abuse, to tentatively beginning to explore how the wounds had impacted me, to now feeling strong enough to share my story including all of what has supported me to now Speak From The Scar.


WomanSpeak Circles are a safe and nourishing space where a woman can explore her ideas, harness the power of her feminine energy, and explore her full expression through her voice.


Meditation brought my attention to my breath, and it was only then I realised I'd been doing it all wrong, (breathing that is). I've been meditating ever since. This link provides you with two breath and guided meditation practices. Enjoy!